Mens Hairstyles for Thin Hair

Thin Hair With Style!

Whether you are dealing with a bald spot, receding hairline, or a full blown horseshoe, there is no reason for you to not be in style. Remember too, that you don’t change when your hair begins to thin, you are still the same person and you need to continue projecting confidence. Looks for everyone change over time, so don’t take this personal and try to cover it up- go with it- grow with it. It can be a new and better you!

Mens hairstyles for thin and receeding hair

Mens hairstyles for thin and receeding hair

So, your first decision to make in styling is which scissor hands do you want to work with you? Will a Barber do it, or do you need a stylist? This really boils down to personal choice and trust. Do you have a Barber who’s worked with your hair, and you trust with a scissors? Typically Barbers ‘cut’ hair and don’t focus so much on styling it. I would try showing them a picture ahead of cut, to see if they feel comfortable trying it. Stylists, on the other hand, have been trained and can make sure style fits your face. They will, of course, charge more which is one reason you should expect more from them.

A receding hairline is usually fought by men with trying to grow hair a little longer and then slick it back. Some try to arrange it to look like it always did. These methods don’t work. What you should try to do is get volume. To obtain a look that says you have hair, keep it thick in front and strong through out with a light gel. Run the gel through your hair, then blow dry while at the same time fluffing it with a round brush. You could learn how to do this technique from a hair stylist. When hair first starts to thin, and you don’t see a reason to go shorter, you could try a layer style resembling shaggy. Get a cut that is long in front and will fall over your forehead. When you are home, use your fingers and ruff up the layers with only a small amount of styling cream. What this will create is a slightly disheveled look that will mask early stages of balding.

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Take a look at these ideas.

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Best ideas for receding hairline men

Hairstyles for men to hide baldness

Hairstyles for men to hide baldness


A myth believed by many men is that if their hair is longer, it will cover up more. They believe it can cover up a bald spot. What happens when the hair gets longer is that it separates. When hair separates, it creates a valley all the way down to the scalp. A feathering look can by obtained if hair is cut, just not too short. Also avoid gels as they grab hair showing the bald spots. Creams or texturizing lotions give a much more natural look.

Look at these styles.

Mens hairstyles for thin and receeding hair

Mens hairstyles for thin and receeding hair



Mens hairstyles for thin hair

Mens hairstyles for thin hair

While it is not a complete myth, there are men who think they can compensate their baldness with facial hair. This is true to a certain point, but one that should not be over-done. Facial hair that is not kept up is unappealing, especially if you’ve chosen a clean cut hair style for your head. Goatees and mustaches should be trimmed to the same length and kept touched up. If you decide on a beard, make sure there are no hard lines, keep it natural looking.

Here are some ideas to consider.

Mens hairstyles for thin hair

Mens hairstyles for thin hair

Mens hairstyles for thin hair

Mens hairstyles for thin hair

Some baldness just can’t be styled away. This does not mean it can’t look good on you. Some men even just go with the look, and shave it all away. This can be a great look! What you want to stay away from is the comb-over. When you are left with little or no hair on top, yet the sides are long, this is called a horseshoe. Some men take that long side hair and ‘comb-over’ the top bald area. A good look would be to style the hair you have left, and just let the baldness on top show. Going bald for some men is a psychological blow. They take it as a sign of getting old, and can even get stuck in what is referred to as a ‘grieving period’. Some really have a hard time accepting it and try to cover it up by wearing hats. Going bald gracefully really is the best way. Don’t try to keep your same hairstyle as you had growing up.

Mens hairstyles for thin hair

Mens hairstyles for thin hair

Mens hairstyles for thin hair

Mens hairstyles for thin hair

Mens hairstyles for thin hair

Mens hairstyles for thin hair

When hair first starts to thin,and you don’t see a reason to go shorter, you could try a layer style resembling shaggy. Get a cut that is long in front and will fall over your forehead. When you’re home, use your fingers and ruff up the layers with only a small amount of styling cream. What this will create is a slightly disheveled look that will mask early stages of balding. When you begin to notice hair loss, you may want to find out the cause. Stress plays a huge part in losing hair, so you may need to seek ways to relax. Heredity is also a common cause that, of course, can’t be changed. Medications can effect hair loss as well, which usually grows back once medication is done. But if your baldness can only be explained by your genes, then you definitely want to know how to go with it in style.

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