Hi Guys, I am back with another article for you to read and I hope that you will find it useful. Today I’ll be sharing to you the important ways on how to keep your hair healthy and how to deal with your transitioning process successfully.

As you all know, transitioning to natural hair is a process that needs a lot of patience, a lot of experimenting on different products and hairstyles, learning your hair type and what is best for your hair.  It is time consuming too. So If you’re thinking about transitioning to natural hair, you must learn how to take care of your hair and how to deal with it while you’re in the process of it. So let’s get started.

First, keep in mind why you want to undergo transitioning. If you’re just up for an experiment or you wanna give it a try because it’s popular, I guess you should reconsider your reasons first why you want to go natural. Ask yourself If you really have the patience and strength to endure this natural journey, check your motives.  Because there will be people who will discourage you from going natural, but if in your heart you already made that firm decision of going natural you can withstand whatever negative feedbacks you’re about to hear. You’ll be confident that you will make it through and reach that goal.


Next, always remember that eating healthy or unhealthy foods affects your hair, because your hair is actually part of what you eat. There is no use putting all the wonderful ingredients into your hair when you’re constantly eating unhealthy foods.


So to achieve a healthy natural hair you should eat natural healthy foods. Think of your body, be conscious of what you’re eating, and have a healthy eating habit lifestyle. If you want your hair to be naturally moisturize, drink plenty of water everyday, eat fruits and vegetables. Healthy hair starts from having healthy body and healthy lifestyles.

Our hair needs protein, vitamins a, b, c, d, zinc, iron, and foods that are rich of these vitamins are Salmon, Bananas, Walnuts, Avocados, Sweet Potatoes, Almonds, Spinach, Oysters, Eggs, Lentils, Greek Yogurt, Blueberries and Sesame seeds.  I eat fruits and veggies almost everyday, especially bananas believe me I don’t run out of it, my husband eats like 4 kilos of bananas every week and It became my habit too.

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The same thing with feeding your hair with natural and essential products. When you buy your shampoo choose the ones that are sulfate free, silicons and parabens free. These contents aren’t good for your hair. They may just make your hair look and feel smooth but they are just coating it, they are not healthy for your hair at all.

Two of the important factors of having a healthy hair is to know your products and do your hair regimen faithfully. Find and experiment products that your hair will like the most, from shampoo, conditioner, moisturizers, essential oils and creams.  I always start with co-washing, and I use non-sulfite and parabens free shampoos and conditioners.  Then I’d use natural coconut oil to moisturize my hair twice a week. I make sure that my hair gets the vitamins and nutrients it needed.

As for my hair regimen, I do at least once a week sometimes twice a week prepo my hair with essential oil, which I leave on my hair overnight. I’d use lavender oil, it’s very soothing to the scalp, but if your hair is drier you can use olive or virgin coconut oil, and tea tree oil if you suffer from dandruff. Gladly I’ve maintained a dandruff free hair, but I’d still use olive oil whenever I run out of lavender oil, it is high in antioxidants and even with Vitamin A and E. Olive oil is one of the best moisturizing essential oil around.



For my co-washing, I use Cantu Shea Butter for Natural Hair Conditioning Co-wash, this product is so amazing, it is made with pure shea butter that provides deep moisture, it is sulfates and parabens free and gently remove build up from your hair. This brand actually carry a lot of natural and paraben free hair products which are really friendly to your hair, especially us girls with natural curly hairs.

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Now do not get confused with Co-washing and pre-pooing because they are two different things. Pre-pooing is pre-treating your hair with either conditioner or essential oil, you leave this product on your dry or damp hair for about 15 to 30 minutes before rinsing and follow with your shampoo or co-wash.  While Co-washing is when you use a conditioner in the place of shampoo to cleanse or wash your hair.

Many are wondering if is it necessary to do the big chop when you are transitioning. Absolutely not, It is your prerogative really whether you want to cut it short or to do the big chop or keep it at the length that you’re comfortable with. You can tame your natural hair and your new growth to blend in with your permed hair. As I’ve mentioned before, keeping a natural hair is a long process, you’ll have to find out first which product is best for your hair, you’ll have to do a trial and error test to find that out.

If you’re not new to transitioning, maybe you’ve been doing it on and off like it’s you’re third, or fourth even fifth month stage, for sure you are already pretty much aware of certain things, certain products and hairstyles. Just continue your transitioning journey as you’ve made it this far and you can even make it much farther, you can almost reach your goal. When you pass your fourth month of transitioning, you’ll notice that you’re starting to get a feel of your natural hair especially your new growth, it becomes bushier, the perm ends goes down, then you know you’re getting to your goal.  If you’re already on your fourth month or beyond of your transitioning, stick with it because believe me it does get better, your hair gets better.

There isn’t really a big issue when it comes to hairstyling when you are transitioning, you can always play around with different hair styles like bantu knots, twists, braids or you can blow dry your hair or flat iron it once in a while.

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To some who are kind of impatient and couldn’t wait and just give up in the middle of their transitioning process, they go back to their relaxers. We all have different lifestyles, some of us may have to appear to work with their hair not supposed to be messy, but if you’re always in a hurry and you don’t have time to do your hair before going to work, you must have a “go to” hairstyles that you can do in just a snap. You can do the easy braids or twists or knots, just do the simple ones when you’re in a hurry.

But if you prefer to go to a hairstylist, if possible do not allow them to apply a whole lot of heat as everybody knows, too much heat will dry and damage your hair. Or at least, use a heat protector products like Fantasia Polisher Heat Protector. This is what I also use whenever I have to blow dry my hair.  It protects hair against damage from blow dryers or flat irons, and it leaves your hair smooth and shiny plus it maintains the perfect moisture balance while using heat tools.


But as much as possible, do not get used to the blow dyer or flat iron if you want to maintain a beautiful bouncy healthy curly hair, because too much heat damages your hair, it dries out your scalp and hair and it can even give you split ends and dandruff.

Lastly, don’t get frustrated or get pissed with your hair transition. Instead pamper your hair so you’ll have fun with your hair journey, take your transition seriously but enjoy it at the same time.

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