'Short Hairstyles' Category

Short Shaggy Hairstyles

Oh don’t worry; we know exactly who you are. You’re a 20-something shaggy-haired youngster, looking for a way to expand that mane of yours, till it blocks out the sun and you’re the biggest cat in town ( oh we all know that urge deep down), well don’t worry because we’ve got…what’s that? We’re completely wrong? You just want some stylish looking shaggy hair and aren’t looking to get spoken to by odd-sounding men on the internet on obscure articles on the web? We weren’t even right about the age? for God’s sake. Well okay, I think we can TRY to redo this stuff.

So you’re looking to find yourself a stylish, shaggy do that you can bear in public and around town eh? Well before we dive into one of our (infamous) lists, we want to let you know how you might make the best of your hair and to make it as shaggy as possible, should you want it to be.

First things first, if you want a shaggier do you’ll have to start out with determination by growing it out as far as you might dare to go. You’ll want to go as long as you possibly can without making any alterations or trims to your do, letting it grow out naturally for as long as you possibly can. Man would assume that this is the only thing you’ll ever need to do in order to make that hair shaggy, but sadly that isn’t the case and the lion must tend its mane (not that all shaggy hairstyles have to be lion like, although they are pretty beastly like that).

No Straightening


Try to avoid using straighteners at any and all costs, as it downplays the fullness of your do, and thus the shagginess too. Should your hair also happen to be curly, you might want to have a razor-thin cut taken every few months or so, by trimming the ends of your hair ever-so-slightly. Should you have a finer hairdo, which can’t sustain much damage, you should have your do bevelled a little, while also razoring it so that it has more texture. You’ll also want to use some form of gel for texture, giving it a slightly shaggier appearance. Do all of this, and you can make do so that you have plenty of freedom when it comes to the styling process. Right, now that’s out of the way, it’d time for the=long haul (of writing that is) Now most of the styles we show here, sadly, won’t be gigantic mains, and rather just shaggier versions of some pretty stylish dos, however a shaggier do will give you more of an ability to accomplish a larger range of looks.

#1Cinnamon Shag (Girls)

Okay, so admittedly that title might bring the ENTIRELY wrong idea to mind and might put a few people off of the rest of the article-but fear not! This hairstyle isn’t as freaky as it all may seem. In fact, this do is really a longer, shaggier variation on the Bob cut, which reaches down to over midway-down the neck at the backs and sides, with the sides bevelling down from where they meet the bangs, which reaches down to the forehead. The do frames the face rather nicely, highlighting the chin.

Cinnamon Shag


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You can attain this hairstyle, by using a styling product on your hair, when damp, before blow-drying it with a dryer and a brush. After this, you should curl your hair with a curling iron (don’t forget thermal protection) and proceed to apply a more flexible hairspray, after this you should be done. This hairstyle can be attained rather well with finer hair, it might surprise you to hear.

#2Scene Shag (girls)

Okay so as much as we regret how that titles suggests two horrible things have been brought together into one haircut (scene culture-save us all), this do actually feels and looks pretty great, giving you a thicker do which reaches right down to just below the mid-neck at the sides, while the back is somewhat shorter. This do is definitely made to allow for greater emphasis on the nose and chin.

Scene Shag

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You can obtain this look by: blow drying your hair, when damp, using both a blowdryer and a brush. Following this, you should comb the base backwards to create that defining shape, while aiming to create a sort of pieces-texture across the area which frames your face and at the ends of the do. Finish off with a holding-spray, and you should be pretty good to go scene-girl (Don’t panic at that last remark, yes it does look a little scene-y but don’t let that put your off. This style can be worn maturely, with the right style.)

#3Finer Shag (Girls)

And now one for those with the finer dos, this cut only make use of a much thinner shag, reaching down past your cheeks to gently brush the base of the neck, thus descending down upon the face and framing the cheeks in a rather quaint fashion.

Finer Shag


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You can obtain this hairstyle, by drying off your hair, when wet, with both a hairdryer and a brush. Next, you should smooth your hair down lightly with a flat iron. Following this, you should run your fingers through your hair to create some sort of separation between strands, before applying some holding-spray. There you have it, enjoy

#4 Full Cut

This style’s simplistic name (that this author totally didn’t come up with himself, he swears) betrays it’s actual look. This look has all of the trademarks of the short and casual haircut, that many are fond with both on and off the red carpet, with its shorter sides and back, however the top on this do is much ticker and shaggier than its counterpart, giving it a little rise above the rest.

Full Cut


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You can obtain this cut, by drying your hair via towel and then working a bit of styling cream through your hair with your fingers , arranging it in such a way that it has a flip-up at the front while also giving it that sort of bed-hair-ish appearance.

#5 Thicker Side Step(Guys)

This cut is a variation on the side-step haircut that you’ve been so fond of all of these years (“OMG how did you know?!?!” we’ve got talent, son) This cut has most of its thickness, much like with the previous cut, towards its top , with some short sides and a shorter back.

Thicker Side Step


You can give yourself this cool do, by drying your hair with a towel, when your hair is damp, and then finishing it off with a blow drying, to direct the hair over to one side of the head. You should use your fingers to work your hair towards one, side, while maybe also using them to work in a little texturing product.

#6Thicker top Shag

Okay so we admit that these names are getting a little ridiculous, but hey we’re just describing what we say and putting it to paper…somehow that was supposed to justify it but oh well. This cut makes use of something of a layered-looking shag, which is short at the sides, thick at the top, and longer at the back. The ends look a little shard-y and broken, but that’s all a party of the look man.

Thicker Top Shag


Get it here!

You can obtain this do by: drying your hair out with a towel before using a hairdryer and a paddle-brush, using this to try to create that distinctive look. Once done, you should apply a little styling cream and run it through your hair with your hands, helping it to mould the previous-look which you’ve established.

We hope that some of our suggestions have proved to have been at least somewhat appealing to you. You should keep in mind that, as we established previously, it isn’t possible (well okay, we’re being a bit melodramatic but it’s a lot harder this way) to create and maintain a shaggier haircut, just by growing it insistently in the hopes that out grows out shaggily. Keep in mind that you should, above all things, avoid most gels and straighteners, in order to avoid downplaying your shagginess for as long as person and thereby giving yourself more freedom with your do when the time comes.

'Short Hairstyles' Category

Short Shaggy Hairstyles

Hello there friends in this article we’ve compiled the top seven short hairstyles which we’ve deemed the most appealing to a lady looking for the right style for her. We’ll also be looking at how you can achieve these hairstyles with minimal effort.

#1 Swept Bob

And now, for the first item on our list, we have a hairstyle which should look relatively familiar. That’s because this is one of many deviations on the classic Bob cut, a style which has seen much attention in the social and fashion realms since it was popularized by actress Emilie Marie Bouchard in the 1890s.

You might have spotted variants of this style in movies, out and about, or on the catwalk.

Swept Bob - Short haircut styles for women

Swept Bob – Short haircut styles for women

 The image above is actually a nice wig you can purchase on ebay here.

You can achieve this cut by: running a styling product to your hair, when your hair is damp. Next you should use a brush to sweep the hair at your head’s nape to one side, against the shape of your head before blow drying it. Next, you should blow dry your hair using both a hairdryer and a brush, before applying a little a texturing product. After this you should be set to go.

#2 Short and Layered

Secondly, we have a haircut which makes use of thin layers which texture your hair like it’s a pretty decent sculpture (Which is to say, any sculpture which hasn’t been made at a Liberal Arts College. On a completely unrelated note, this author will be hiding in his student-proof bunker if anyone should need him). This style hugs the shape of your head with a personal closeness, being barely long enough to cover the back of the head and brush the very top of the neck, while the sides reach down a little lower.

Short and Layered - Short haircut styles for women

Short and Layered – Short haircut styles for women

You can achieve this look by first adding a little styling product to your do, when damp. Next you should dry your hair using a hairdryer and a brush, pressing your hair against the shape of your head when possible. Finish it off with the application of some texturing product and you should be fine.

#3 Wavy Bob

Thirdly (Yes it’s another Bob cut. Deal with it, fool. This author apologizes for any offense perceived amongst his edgy/schizo ramblings.) we have the Wavy Bob, which is a bouncy and curly cut, which reaches down to hug the cheeks and mid-neck with its curly goodness (these descriptions keep getting worse and worse, I’m sure you’ve noticed.) This so is the signature look of Firefly actress: Christina Hendricks, who you’ve no doubt seen if you’re the type of person who can stomach watching programs on the SyFy channel, without giving everyone a look at what you had for breakfast this morning (Don think too hard about that image, I certainly didn’t)

Wavy Bob - Short haircut styles for women

Wavy Bob – Short haircut styles for women

You can obtain this do by adding a little styling product to your hair, when damp, followed by a thorough blow drying, with both a hairdryer and a brush. Following this, you should start curling your hair with a curling iron on medium heat, before securing your newly formed curls some sort of a holding spray, though preferably a flexible one.

#4 Shagged Pixie

(Pay no mind to that peculiar/outright disturbing sounding title. This section has nothing to do with defiling your favourite childhood creature). This do is a thicker and wavier variant of the renowned Pixie cut , which originally came about in the 1950s and was popularized in the realm of Hollywood, by the likes of Jean Seberg and Audrey Hepburn. This cut brushes the ears, back of the neck, and most of the forehead, remaining relatively modest in its short length.

Shagged Pixie - Short haircut styles for women

Shagged Pixie – Short haircut styles for women

You can accomplish this do by using a little styling product on your hair, when damp. Following this, you should blow dry the front of your hair and the fringe with both a hairdryer and a brush, after which you should use a hairdryer and your fingers to dry the rest of your do. Finish off with a little extra texturing product and you should be alright.

#5 Short n Jagged

Now here’s that serves a double purpose. On one hand, it’ll give a bit of fashion and a bit of edge all in one do (think a Rage Against the Machine fan fit for a catwalk)¸while also giving your small spikes which’ll scare off any potential home invader if the edgy look doesn’t already do that for you (please note that this is poor satire, and that chasing potential burglars around with your head pointed straight at them, is something that’s more liable to get you put in an insane asylum than it is to yield results). The cut is probably the shortest we’ll list, with more hair being directed towards the top of the do.

Short n Jagged - Short haircut styles for women

Short n Jagged – Short haircut styles for women

 The image above is actually a nice wig you can purchase from www.wigsnew.co.uk

To obtain this do you should arrange your hair, when damp, using your fingers in order to pull you hair into the desired shape, pulling your bangs forwards while smoothing out the rest of your do at every except for the very top, where your spikes will flourish. After doing this, you should try and allow your hair to dry naturally in order to not destroy/undo any of the edits you made earlier with your hands. Following this, you should finish off by using a styling product of your choice to spike up the top ad finish off whatever you feel to be necessary.

#6 Asymmetrical Arms

Okay so that name is hardly professional, but we do our best with what we have (which is an author we rescued from the local brain-aneurysm ward). This name can be explained by the fact that your bangs are swept across your head, where it joins up with a far-reaching side of your hair which reaches down to brush your shoulder, while the other “arm” of your hair, reaches down to brush the lower cheek.

Asymmetrical Arms - Short haircut styles for women

Asymmetrical Arms – Short haircut styles for women

You can achieve this do through the following steps: first, you should run some styling product through your damp hair, following this up with a lengthy blow-drying, using both a brush and a hairdryer to brush your hair over into the right direction. Finally, you should apply a little texturing product and you should be all set.

#7 Classic Pixie

And just to polish off this list, we thought we’d finish off with the full-on classic Pixie (there also might have been a shortage of ideas, something which shouldn’t shake you to the core too greatly). This cut is smooth, short, and can bring out the shape of your chin and jawline in a very striking way.

Classic Pixie - Short haircut styles for women

Classic Pixie – Short haircut styles for women

Getting this do is incredibly simple. First you should use your hairdryer and your fingers to direct your hair over to the site when it’s damp (provided your hair is cut to just the right length) and, after applying a little pomade or holding spray, you should be as good as gold.

And that’s all we have for you today (this author’s discreet way of saying that this is all he could muster before he fell forward onto his own keyboard and wrote the rest of the article with his face). Remember, to consult your stylist/barber if you ever need to know the specifics of attaining any of these dos, when it comes to having the right lengths and measurements, as these shorter dos often require specification. If you don’t have a spare barber or stylist lying around in the cupboard somewhere, then you should simply turn to your faithful companion, the internet, for any needed tips and tricks.

'Short Hairstyles' Category

Short Shaggy Hairstyles

It can be hard to find yourself a definitive collection of the best oval-face-suited hairstyles and so you might find solace here, where we’ve compiled a list of the six best cuts which we could find, with three for the men and three for the women.  In this list we’ll be providing tips regarding how you might obtain these hairstyles, and how you can maintain them.


First, we’ll set some things out for you men folk:

#1 Blasted Back

Now for the first item on our list, we have a cut which you might see on the likes of David Beckham, and while this cut won’t immediately make you bend it like Beckham, you can at least channel his look for a bit. This cut utilizes short sides, with a thicker concentration of hair on the top and back. These concentrations are subsequently blasted back (with gel, not a shotgun (That’d be an interesting talent though, when you’re not too busy picking pieces of your own brain out of your haircut.). This’ll give you a nice and sleek do, which will look good at any indoor workplace, and perhaps even on date night.

Blasted Back - Short hairstyles for oval faces

Blasted Back – Short hairstyles for oval faces

In order to grab yourself this do, you should first dampen your hair, before thoroughly working in a bit of styling product. Next, you should create a slight parting in your hair, to one side using a comb. Next, you should use your hands to push your hair backwards, offsetting it slightly to the side so as to give it a definitive tilt, while also pushing down the dies of your hair, so that they might be flat. Finally, you should apply a touch of gel and you should be good.

#2 Faux Hawk

Now, for the second item on our list we have the Faux Hawk. “Oh goody!” you must be thinking (you’re a 10 year-old British schoolboy apparently, just role with it “I’m getting myself a warrior’s hawk! I can prance around my house wearing nothing but my hawk, and a raging grin, yelling in a high pitched voice, like a Native American warrior!” Well yes, you could, but 1.This isn’t that kind of do and 2.You might be shocked when your neighbours call the police, so don’t blame us. Actually the Faux hawk is a small and centralized hawk, which sits atop the middle of the head at a much lower size and proves to be a very stylish and symmetrical do (unless you buy into that whole “diagonal faux” nonsense, which we certainly don’t –sniggers-). It compliments and oval face quite well, sitting atop it and making the face and making the head look nice and symmetrical.

Faux Hawk - Short hairstyles for oval faces

Faux Hawk – Short hairstyles for oval faces

Getting a hold of this do is pretty damn simple. Firstly, you need to add some form of styling product into your hair, when dry, before gathering your hair, with your hands, into the centre of your head, using your hands, into that distinct faux-shape. If you feel the need to add a little holding product, then do so, but it should be unnecessary.

#3 Striking Pompadour

Okay, so this do might not be as aggressive as we’ve made it sound (sadly your do will not double back as a striker, should use get injured or red-carded by the referee, unless you’ve gone to see Dr Octopus or something), however this cut, as a variation on the classic Elvis-pompadour of the 50s and 60s, is quite dashing, and is well suited to just about any face type. As a result, you should feel pretty comfortable and safe from your ever long quest for just the right style for your ovular face.

Striking Pompadour - Short hairstyles for oval faces

Striking Pompadour – Short hairstyles for oval faces

Firstly, you need to blow dry your hair, preferably after bathing it, backwards, with a slight sideways tilt, before applying some sort of a product for styling. Next, you should use your hands to comb your hair back and to the side again, before using a little bit of holding spray to finish things off.


And now, the womenfolk:

#1 Inclined Bobby

And if you’re wondering, yes we did turn Bob into Bobby to spice things up a bit. We’re getting wild and crazy up in this place y’all. This variation of the standard Bob cut is a slightly longer version which (admittedly pushes the boundaries of what one might consider “short” but there we have it) reaches down, at the sides, to brush the upper neck, while the bangs reach across the face to shelter one of your eyes in an asymmetrical, chic fashion. The style is also rather smooth, giving it a certain glow.

Inclined Bobby - Short hairstyles for oval faces

Inclined Bobby – Short hairstyles for oval faces

First, you’ll have to work a bit of styling product into your hair, when damp, before brushing your hair against the shape of your head, at the nape area of your neck. Use both a brush and a dryer for this, using both in the same placed at the same time. Proceed to brush your bangs so that they stretch over one side of your face, and then proceed to dry out the rest of your hair. You should also finish off with a little texturing product, just to give things a nice finish.

#2 Layered Away

At the risk of scaring people off with a name which sounds like a version of Spirited Away where the writers were completely high when writing it (that’d make Studio Ghibli more interesting, that’s for sure) we have the second item on this half of the list. This cut, makes use of multiple layers which are longer at the front than they are at the back, with the layers arching backwards to give an ever so-slight windblown effect (slightly). The cut places a great amount of emphasis on the chin and jaw line, brining out your faces bone structure (You’re into bone structures and stuff, right?). This cut is great for casual time, due to its ease of maintenance.

Layered Away - Short hairstyles for oval faces

Layered Away – Short hairstyles for oval faces

 Get it here!

Firstly, you need to work a little styling product into your hair, when wet, before blow drying it with both a dryer and a brush. Proceed to use an iron to create a bend in your hair, sealing the deal with some holding spray.

#3 Sleek n Straight Curtains

It would seem we’re getting into dodgy name territory, thank Christ it’s the end of the list or I’d ask you t strap in, thoroughly. This cut is essentially smoothed and sleeked downwards, to the point of complete flatness and maximum length. One side is brought forth, ever so slightly more than the other, covering a little portion of the face as though it were surrounded by two uneven curtains. Nevertheless, the do still serves to highlight the oval-ness (made that one up) of the face quite well, with one side highlighting the curve quite well while the other compliments the face.

Sleek n Straight Curtains - Short hairstyles for oval faces

Sleek n Straight Curtains – Short hairstyles for oval faces

First, work a little styling product into your hair, when wet, before drying it out with a dryer and a brush. Next, proceed to flatten your hair out with an iron, ensuring that one side is more forward than the other while the other presses against the shape of your head.

And that’s it for our list. We hope that we’ve gotten enough ideas into your head, so that you might be able to fit that oval curvature of yours. If not, well there’s always the internet (you’ve probably opened another tab out of frustration). Remember to use that, when in doubt about anything you’ve heard on here-never put all of your confidence into one source, or it could be your downfall.

'Short Hairstyles' Category

Short Shaggy Hairstyles

Here we have compiled a list of six dashing, great haircuts which you must look into in addition we’ll be telling you a tip or two on how to maintain and make these styles look good.

#1 Profiler Pixie
Okay, so for the first on our list we have a variant of a cut that we’re all very familiar with around here (unless you’re one of the lucky ones who are coming here for the first time, in which case I’d recommend leaving before it draws you in and you can’t escape): the Pixie cut.

Profiler Pixie - Short female haircuts

Profiler Pixie – Short female haircuts

This particular version of the Pixie cut, is one which is cropped incredibly short, though has longer bangs/ a longer fringe than most standard editions of the Pixie. The bangs are swept over the face and just about brushes one of your eyes, thought this is done neatly (Shocking, I know. We’re actually flirting with something neat on this site, although we can’t promise it’ll turn out that way) and looks highly professional, making it the sort of cut you might wear to a job interview or to a job in the city, though it can look good elsewhere. You might have seen this cut on House of Cards’ Claire Underwood (be sure to catch your husband/boyfriend should he read this, he’s gonna scream and faint)

Obtain this look by; first, applying some form of product for styling to your hair, when damp. Follow this up by brushing your hair so that it is pressed against the shape of your head, blow-drying it after this until it’s entirely dry. You should also work out the edges of your cut with an iron, straightening them out. Proceed to add a little holding spray and you should be quite alright.

#2 Banged Bob

This do is a Bob cut with a little extra length on all fronts, save for the back which is still relatively short as per the Bob cut trademark. The sides reach down to hug the jaw line, allowing for greater emphasis to be put on the chin, while the lengthy bangs allow for the cheeks and nose to be framed. The entire do brings out the face quite well and should be considered ideal when out with friends/on a date.

Banged Bob - Short female haircuts

Banged Bob – Short female haircuts

Firstly, you need to add a little product to your hair, when damp, before blow drying it against the nape and general shape of your head, until it’s completely dry. Use both a hairdryer and a brush. Once this is done for all portions of your head, proceed to straighten everything out, including the fringe, with an iron and you should be good to go.

#3 Sprightly Waves

So now we have a cut that is often borne by stars such as Tricia Helfer (-everyone who watches the SyFy channel faints instantaneously-). This cut makes use of short waves in your hair, which reach over the head at either end to hover at the side of your cheeks, while brushing the top of your neck and covering the ears. This cut is pretty fun looking (forgive this author for sounding uncertain, he’s just a little uneasy when being required to describe something which is related to Tricia Helfer.) and makes a great cut for a casual night out in the Summer.

Sprightly Waves - Short female haircuts

Sprightly Waves – Short female haircuts

Firstly, you need to add a portion of product to your hair, when damp, before blow drying it and curling up everything with your curling iron. Next, apply some form of pomade to the ends of your hair, before spraying a little holding spray onto everything.

#4 Sleek Helmet

Okay so don’t get put off when we say that by “helmet” we’re in fact referring to the fact that the do encases all of your head (save for the front), rather than referring to a do which you can go motorcycling in and still come out alive (as cool as that’d be, you’d need hair like Arnold Schwarzenegger’s abs in order to even consider smashing into the concrete cranium-first). This do is sleek and smooth, reaching down to blanket the ears and the sides of your head in general, leaving your face to peer out and placing a great emphasis on your facial features. If done right, this can make a look which is both formal and stylish.

Sleek Helmet - Short female haircuts

Sleek Helmet – Short female haircuts

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To begin with, you should work a little styling product into your hair (damp or otherwise) before smoothing your hair out with the aid of a style brush. Finally, you should undertake a smoothing process, with the help of a flattening iron, before applying a shining product for help in gaining yourself that sleek and shiny look.

#5 20’s Stockbroker

Okay so that might sound odd and almost as though it shouldn’t fit into the fashion world, a thought which will be furthered when I tell you that this is the sort of style worn by Don Draper in Madmen, but fear not, for when worn in the right way this cut can bring out the feminine features for your face quite well. The cut is also often seen with the kind of models you might see in certain Vogue articles, though rarely. The style is incredibly short, with the hair barely brushing the back of the ear, and the incredibly short bangs being swept across the top of your forehead in a chic manner.

20’s Stockbroker - Short female haircuts

20’s Stockbroker – Short female haircuts

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You’ll have to have your hair cut quite short, before proceeding with this. First, add a little styling product to your hair, when damp, before going over your hair with a dryer and a brush, pressing your hair against the shape of your head. Proceed to go over your hair with an iron, creating small and subtle waves in the top layer of hair, before applying a little texturing product.

#6 Classy Helm

And to finish off, we have another vintage 20’s-ish look (and this time around, you don’t have to look like Don Drape. Hooray for you!). This do makes use of a dome-like appearance (we pray we haven’t already put you off entirely) which encircles the head at a similar length all around, however the sides have a little kick at the ends of them. This cut will give you a sort of stylish-tomboy look, and is very practical for an active lifestyle.

Classy Helm - Short female haircuts

Classy Helm – Short female haircuts

 Get it here!

You can begin to grab yourself this vintage cut, by (after having your hair cut down to a suitable size-remember to consult your stylist/barber for the right lengths) adding some sort of thickening-product to your hair, when wet, working it in rather thoroughly. Proceed to comb your hair into the right, dome-like, shape and then finish off by loosening out everything with your hands. After this, you should be good to go.

Okay, so we pray that one of these cuts has drawn your fancy. It would seem that we’ve covered quite a bizarre range of dos (most of them aren’t actually that bizarre, outside of the names and you can thank yours truly for that), which are diverse in nature, and each one requires its own lengths and products, and so we recommend (as we always do) that you consult your barber/stylist/mother where possible, and always look into the do you’re aiming for before you reach out and grab it.

'Short Hairstyles' Category

Short Shaggy Hairstyles

Welcome, readers both male, female and single cells without those sorts of parts, today we’ll be discussing the multitude of ways in which you can mould/shape/experiment with shorter hairstyles for heads that weren’t really born for a lion’s mane. Many make the mistake of assuming that, just because your hair doesn’t resemble the nether regions of the Amazon’s deepest rainforest, you don’t have enough hair on your person to experiment with effectively, and as a result many don’t take hold of the illustrious opportunity to tame their hair and subsequently meld it for their own devices, instead being subservient to the hair and letting it run wild like a German Shepherd lounging around on the soft leather couch of your mind.

In this article, we will be discussing the various different ways in which you can train and tame your hair to your liking, and perhaps the liking of those around you as a result. Who knows, maybe we’ll transfer your hair into a beacon in these times of hardship and people will come from all around to bask in its glory (debatable, but still). Furthermore, we’re going to try and teach you how to do this naturally, that is entirely without those despicable city-slicker inventions you might call: hair dryers and curling irons. Oh yes, we’re getting all old school up in this place

#1 Textured Asymmetry

First one for the girls reading, this hairstyle makes use of an asymmetrical parting that has one “arm” of your do, reaching around to embrace one side of your face and bring out your jawline. In order to achieve this style, you’ll need to apply any sort of styling product to your hair, when wet, then blow dry it and apply more product for texture.

Textured Asymmetry - Short Natural Hairstyles

Textured Asymmetry – Short Natural Hairstyles

#2 Faux Hawk

Second is for those manly men reading (MAN STRONG!), we present to you: a haircut inspired often borne by the likes of Chad Michael Murray off of One Tree Hill (gentlemen, please refrain from screaming “WE LOVE YOU CHAD” like excited school girls). This hairstyle is achieved pretty easily, through product and a careful amount of dampness. We recommend that you look up the exact method online in order to master that sacred procedure.

Faux Hawk - Short Natural Hairstyles for Men

Faux Hawk – Short Natural Hairstyles for Men

#3 Lengthy Pixie Cut

This next one is a deviation from the standard Pixie Cut, that we seem so (obsessively) fond of here on this site (Totally isn’t a hair-cult we swear) This style can be achieved through the application of styling product to wet hair, followed by the brushing of your hair in a side to side fashion so that it presses against your face. Following this, you should blow dry and brush it before holding it with a flexible holding-spray. The author would like t remind you (once again –cue eye roll-) that you shouldn’t take our summaries word for word and should definitely look into your preferred style more before diving into things.

Lengthy Pixie Cut - Short Natural Hairstyles

Lengthy Pixie Cut – Short Natural Hairstyles


4# Convex Bob

The bob hairstyle, as an entity that is believed to have originated in the 1910s prior to World War 1, has varied and evolved over the year to take a variety of forms in the modern day. This variant of the convex bob, follows the shape of the head very quickly while retaining a lot of texture. It can be achieved through the application of styling product to your hair, when damp, followed by blow drying your hair from side to side until it hugs the shape of your head, and then brushing it until it’s dry. Once it’s dry, you should apply product.

Convex Bob - Short Natural Hairstyles

Convex Bob – Short Natural Hairstyles


#5 Flow and Comb

This little hairstyle, can make your relative lack of hair appear longer than it actually is (I know right? Just call me David Blaine…) this is the kind of hairstyle you might see on the likes of Christopher Hemsworth. You can pull this off with some mousse product and a little patience, though we also recommend consulting your nearest barber.

Flow and Comb - Short Natural Hairstyles for Men

Flow and Comb – Short Natural Hairstyles for Men


#6 James Dean cut

A simple, but highly symbolic cut, as its name suggests, this cut can only be accomplished through a holding product and if your hair happens to be naturally wavy, though it doesn’t need to have any length.

James Dean cut - Short Natural Hairstyles for Men

James Dean cut – Short Natural Hairstyles for Men


#7 The Caesar

Whether you’re looking to have a short and easily manageable cut that doesn’t get in the way, or you’re looking to stand on a cardboard box in your room, having odd power fantasies about Rome and Spartacus (you odd person, you) this haircut is easily obtained, cheap t maintain and highly practical. You might find this sort of a cut on the likes of Russell Crowe or sometimes even George Clooney (refrain from screaming and/or fainting in your chair please), and so it’s only natural that you might take interest in obtaining this do. Consult your barber about the right sizes and snippets needed to obtain the right size. Should he not get the point, flash him a picture of Russell Crowe from under you coat, like an FBI Agent flashing us his license beneath his coat, before arresting us for narcotics.

The Caesar - Short Natural Hairstyles for Men

The Caesar – Short Natural Hairstyles for Men

#8 The Curled Bob

Yet another variation on the classic bob (for the THOUSANDTH DAMN TIME), this one can be achieved with the following tools at your disposal: styling product, hairdryer, thermal protection spray, curling iron and a flexible hold spray. First you’ll have to apply the product to your hair when wet, then proceed to dry your hair out with a hairdryer, then apply thermal protection to your damp form whereupon you can curl your hair with a curling iron, before applying the hold-spray. Forgive me if that was a painful mouthful. Remember to look this stuff up online my friend (I think we should just establish here that “Look up online” is a phrase that makes up golden rules 1, 2 and 3 in these articles)

The Curled Bob - Short Natural Hairstyles for Men

The Curled Bob – Short Natural Hairstyles for Men

 #9 Mountain Man

The kind of hairstyle with which you could picture yourself standing atop the Rocky Mountains, staring eastwards to the sound of a thousand animals, fleeing your magnificent head, this is both stylish and practical. The Mountain Man style can be achieved with a variety of different lengths, making it both an accessible cut and an easy one to maintain. In order to achieve this, you should apply just a little bit of pomade solution while spiking it up into the right position.

Mountain Man - Short Natural Hairstyles

Mountain Man – Short Natural Hairstyles

#10 Stacked Bob

This final haircut is yet another variation on the oh-so-familiar bob. It’s much shorter at the back than the standard bob, allowing for a nice bit of neck-airing. This style looks especially good on the older lady, so if any of you should be reading my “fabulous” article than embrace this with open arms and an open…uh…head. This style can be achieved through the application of styling foam to your hair in strands, before combing it thoroughly. Next, you should blowdry and brush your hair with a medium-sized brush to remove the possibility of it frizzing up back to bite you. Once your hair is dry, you should use a flat iron to smooth down individual strands and then rough your hair back up using your hands to spate the layers.


Short Stacked Bob Hairstyles Back View


Short Stacked Bob Hairstyles


Short Stacked Bob Hairstyles with Bangs

Well, after bombarding you with an entire marauding army of different hairstyles for you to attempt, achieve and explore with all of the means at your disposal, means which we’ve kindly listed and ingrained again and again, we hope that you have something of an understanding of the lengths to which you can reach with only a relatively small amount of hair at your disposal. People with shorter hair, such as yourselves, are put at an advantage in terms of maintenance costs and washing. Shorter hairstyles are generally easier to retain and so a single wash won’t send you into a styling fury, in a desperate attempt to reclaim that which has been completely lost and have you weeping in front of a mirror before turning to ACDC and the Whiskey bottle (okay so maybe you wouldn’t end up being turned into a complete emotional wreck, but the point about the difficulty of maintaining longer styles, still remains). Regardless of our rambling, we hope you’ve gleamed a thing or two from out list.


Light Brown Natural Short Easy Hairstyles


Short Blonde Stacked Bob Hairstyles


Wavy Bob Short Easy Hairstyles


'Short Hairstyles' Category

Short Shaggy Hairstyles

Ladies, check these beautiful short hair styles!

Ladies always become sensitive when it comes to their looks and beauty, especially the hair. The hair represents a lady, so it has to be always well kept and matches the rest of her body properly. Sometimes getting a hairstyle that is suitable for you is hard, and you find many women experimenting with so many hairstyles till they find one that perfectly suits them.

As a woman you do have to experiment and one of the most common things most women find hard is to do, is cut their long natural hair. Although you are too sure of the outcome, you may be surprised to how better your hair will look like, and many who have tried are very happy with the results.

7 Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts

7 Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts

Short hair has caught on to many women nowadays and is one of the trending hairstyles, with various styles to choose form when styling short natural hair, in the end you want to look good. Short curly hair is one of the many styles that ladies love and when carefully chosen you will find the right and short curly hairstyle look for your head.

1. Hallie by Estetica

Hallie by Estetica - Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts - Blonde

Hallie by Estetica – Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts – Blonde

 Hallie by Estetica – Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts – Blonde – Get it here!

Hallie by Estetica - Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts - Blonde

Hallie by Estetica – Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts – Blonde

How to Style

This is a unique and pleasant hair style. The Hailie creates a wonderful natural look that you would love. It is characterized by curly hair and slightly tapered nape, which makes it have a comfortable feeling on your head. It can be styled in the following ways:

  • Maintain the shape of the hair by going to your stylist for getting regular trims.
  • To maintain the natural look of the hair avoid use of many products on the hair.

Face Shape

This hairstyle is most recommended for round, diamond, heart and oval face shaped lady. It will bring out the natural beauty of your face.

How to Care

  • Washing the air is very important, but make sure not to wash it every day, at least 3 times a week.
  • Try to avoid blow drying the hair, as this can make short hair stand at the end of even frizz up. Also, try to avoid straightening of the hair.


2. Meryl by Estetica

Meryl by Estetica - Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts

Meryl by Estetica – Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts

 Meryl by Estetica – Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts – Get it here!

Meryl by Estetica - Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts

Meryl by Estetica – Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts

How to Style

Designed with great natural hairline, this hairstyle is a great short curly hairstyle to try out. The hair brings the natural beauty of your face and is very ideal for any occasion it is characterized with a medium bob, soft bangs and also loose curls. it can be styled as follows:

  • Make sure to comb it with the right kind of comb so as to prevent tangling.
  • Use the right hair products so as to maintain the shape and quality of the hair.

Face Shape

This short curly hairstyle particularly goes will with round, oval, heart, diamond and oblong shaped faces so as to bring out the best side of you.

How to Care

  • One can decide to use a shaping cream so as to maintain the shape of the hairstyle.
  • Brush through your hair so as to make sure is tangle free and also to avoid knots.
  • When washing makes sure to rinse your hair thoroughly.
  • Condition the hair. This will keep the hair strong and healthy.

3. Easy Edge by Daisy Fuentes (WOW)

Easy Edge by Daisy Fuentes - Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts

Easy Edge by Daisy Fuentes – Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts

 Easy Edge by Daisy Fuentes – Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts – Get it here!

Easy Edge by Daisy Fuentes - Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts

Easy Edge by Daisy Fuentes – Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts

How to style

Looking for short curly hair design? Then this is another great hairstyle to try out. The Easy Edge is wonderful and creates a stunning look on your head. It has texturized layers that give you a very bold tousled look. This hairstyle can be styled in the following ways:

  • Make sure to use shampoo and conditioner so as to maintain the hair and also keep it healthy and clean.
  • Use the Hair Trix Comb by BeautiMark so as to keep the hair from tangling and becoming frizzy.
  • Consider the color of the hair style so as select the best match for you.

Face Shape

Ideal for square, round, oval and heart shaped faces.

How to Care

  • Washing the air is very important, but make sure not to wash it every day, at least 3 times a week.
  • Try to avoid blow drying the hair, as this can make short hair stand at the end of even frizz up. Also, try to avoid straightening of the hair.

4. Hazel by Estetica

Hazel by Estetica - Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts

Hazel by Estetica – Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts

 Hazel by Estetica – Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts – Get it here!

Hazel by Estetica - Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts

Hazel by Estetica – Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts

How to Style

Hazel is another hairstyle that will give you that curly hair style look that you have been looking for. It short and has a feathered layered cut, without in in curls. This is a wonderful hair design that can be styled as follows:

  • Make sure to use shampoo and conditioner so as to maintain the hair and also keep it healthy and clean.
  • Use the right kind of comb so as to keep the hair from tangling and becoming frizzy.

Face Shape

To be able to look best with the Hazel hair style, it is specifically designed for oval, round, heart and diamond shaped faces.

How to Care

  • Use organic products on the hair to ensure that your hair is moisturized. Natural oils include coconut oil, jojoba oils or almonds.
  • Moisturize your ends. Ensure you keep the ends moisturized so that you do not end up with split ends.
  • Avoid heat on your hair, and if you decide to, make sure to try and cut it done 2 to 3 times in a month and also make sure to use heat protection shampoo and moisturizer.

5. Upscale by Gabor

Upscale by Gabor - Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts

Upscale by Gabor – Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts

 Upscale by Gabor – Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts – Get it here!

Upscale by Gabor - Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts

Upscale by Gabor – Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts

How to Style

For a curly and sassy hairstyle, the upscale is one hair style that you should try out. It is a modern classic short hairstyle; that has an ideal appearance. It is very comfortable on the hair and very ideal for various occasions. It can be styled as follows:

  • Like all natural hair, it is well advised that you use the right kind and organic beauty care products so as to highly maintain the hair and have it last very long.
  • Make sure to use an ideal comb, example is the Hair Trix Comb, to keep your hair tangle free and also frizzy free.

Face Shape

This hair style is ideal for round, oval, diamond, heart, and square shaped face. This will make sure that that you look excellent.

How to Care

  • Use organic products on the hair to ensure that your hair is moisturized. Natural oils include coconut oil, jojoba oils or almonds.
  • Moisturize your ends. Ensure you keep the ends moisturized so that you do not end up with split ends.
  • Avoid heat on your hair and try and cut it done 2 to 3 times a month and also make sure to use heat protection shampoo and moisturizer.

 6. Bryn by Envy

Bryn by Envy - Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts - Red Hair

Bryn by Envy – Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts – Red Hair

Bryn by Envy – Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts – Red Hair – Get it here!

Bryn by Envy - Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts - Red Hair

Bryn by Envy – Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts – Red Hair

Get it here!

How to Style

This is another great curly hairstyle that will make you naturally appealing. It has a comfortable feel and also the hairstyle is featured by layers throughout and also has an extended nape which hugs the neck ideally. This hair can be styled in the following ways:

  • Make sure to use the right kind of beauty care products so as to aid in extending the life and quality of the hair.
  • Always comb the hair to detangle ad avoid the hair getting frizzy.


Face Shape

Although anyone can have this style, it is more ideal for round, oval, oblong, heart and diamond shaped face.

How to Care

  • When you are sleeping, make sure to sleep on satin pillowcases or tie the hair up in a silk scarf so as your hair can stay as healthy as possible and also it will not break or tear.
  • It is recommended to try a protein treatment at least once a month. This will make your hair shinier and less prone to breakage and over moisturizing.

7. Bowie by Jon Renau

Bowie by Jon Renau - Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts

Bowie by Jon Renau – Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts

 Bowie by Jon Renau – Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts – Get it here!

Bowie by Jon Renau - Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts

Bowie by Jon Renau – Beautiful Short Curly Haircuts

How to style

Bowie is an ideal short curly hairstyle that has a short lace front to give it its natural and beautiful look. It creates a unique look once styled on the head. The Bowie can be styled in the following ways:

  • Make sure to use shampoo and conditioner so as to maintain the hair and also keep it healthy and clean.
  • Use the Hair Trix Comb by BeautiMark so as to keep the hair from tangling and becoming frizzy.
  • Consider the color of the hair style so as select the best match for you.

Face Shape

Round, oval, heart and square shaped are the ideal face shape for this hairstyle, and will bring out the best of your natural face and beauty.

How to Care

  • Use organic products on the hair to ensure that your hair is moisturized. Natural oils include coconut oil, jojoba oils or almonds.
  • Make sure to select your products very carefully.
  • Moisturize your ends. Ensure you keep the ends moisturized so that you do not end up with split ends.

