7 Cool Short Haircut Styles for Women

Hello there friends in this article we’ve compiled the top seven short hairstyles which we’ve deemed the most appealing to a lady looking for the right style for her. We’ll also be looking at how you can achieve these hairstyles with minimal effort.

#1 Swept Bob

And now, for the first item on our list, we have a hairstyle which should look relatively familiar. That’s because this is one of many deviations on the classic Bob cut, a style which has seen much attention in the social and fashion realms since it was popularized by actress Emilie Marie Bouchard in the 1890s.

You might have spotted variants of this style in movies, out and about, or on the catwalk.

Swept Bob - Short haircut styles for women

Swept Bob – Short haircut styles for women

 The image above is actually a nice wig you can purchase on ebay here.


You can achieve this cut by: running a styling product to your hair, when your hair is damp. Next you should use a brush to sweep the hair at your head’s nape to one side, against the shape of your head before blow drying it. Next, you should blow dry your hair using both a hairdryer and a brush, before applying a little a texturing product. After this you should be set to go.

#2 Short and Layered


Secondly, we have a haircut which makes use of thin layers which texture your hair like it’s a pretty decent sculpture (Which is to say, any sculpture which hasn’t been made at a Liberal Arts College. On a completely unrelated note, this author will be hiding in his student-proof bunker if anyone should need him). This style hugs the shape of your head with a personal closeness, being barely long enough to cover the back of the head and brush the very top of the neck, while the sides reach down a little lower.

Short and Layered - Short haircut styles for women

Short and Layered – Short haircut styles for women

You can achieve this look by first adding a little styling product to your do, when damp. Next you should dry your hair using a hairdryer and a brush, pressing your hair against the shape of your head when possible. Finish it off with the application of some texturing product and you should be fine.

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#3 Wavy Bob


Thirdly (Yes it’s another Bob cut. Deal with it, fool. This author apologizes for any offense perceived amongst his edgy/schizo ramblings.) we have the Wavy Bob, which is a bouncy and curly cut, which reaches down to hug the cheeks and mid-neck with its curly goodness (these descriptions keep getting worse and worse, I’m sure you’ve noticed.) This so is the signature look of Firefly actress: Christina Hendricks, who you’ve no doubt seen if you’re the type of person who can stomach watching programs on the SyFy channel, without giving everyone a look at what you had for breakfast this morning (Don think too hard about that image, I certainly didn’t)

Wavy Bob - Short haircut styles for women

Wavy Bob – Short haircut styles for women

You can obtain this do by adding a little styling product to your hair, when damp, followed by a thorough blow drying, with both a hairdryer and a brush. Following this, you should start curling your hair with a curling iron on medium heat, before securing your newly formed curls some sort of a holding spray, though preferably a flexible one.

#4 Shagged Pixie

(Pay no mind to that peculiar/outright disturbing sounding title. This section has nothing to do with defiling your favourite childhood creature). This do is a thicker and wavier variant of the renowned Pixie cut , which originally came about in the 1950s and was popularized in the realm of Hollywood, by the likes of Jean Seberg and Audrey Hepburn. This cut brushes the ears, back of the neck, and most of the forehead, remaining relatively modest in its short length.

Shagged Pixie - Short haircut styles for women

Shagged Pixie – Short haircut styles for women

You can accomplish this do by using a little styling product on your hair, when damp. Following this, you should blow dry the front of your hair and the fringe with both a hairdryer and a brush, after which you should use a hairdryer and your fingers to dry the rest of your do. Finish off with a little extra texturing product and you should be alright.

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#5 Short n Jagged

Now here’s that serves a double purpose. On one hand, it’ll give a bit of fashion and a bit of edge all in one do (think a Rage Against the Machine fan fit for a catwalk)¸while also giving your small spikes which’ll scare off any potential home invader if the edgy look doesn’t already do that for you (please note that this is poor satire, and that chasing potential burglars around with your head pointed straight at them, is something that’s more liable to get you put in an insane asylum than it is to yield results). The cut is probably the shortest we’ll list, with more hair being directed towards the top of the do.

Short n Jagged - Short haircut styles for women

Short n Jagged – Short haircut styles for women

 The image above is actually a nice wig you can purchase from www.wigsnew.co.uk

To obtain this do you should arrange your hair, when damp, using your fingers in order to pull you hair into the desired shape, pulling your bangs forwards while smoothing out the rest of your do at every except for the very top, where your spikes will flourish. After doing this, you should try and allow your hair to dry naturally in order to not destroy/undo any of the edits you made earlier with your hands. Following this, you should finish off by using a styling product of your choice to spike up the top ad finish off whatever you feel to be necessary.

#6 Asymmetrical Arms

Okay so that name is hardly professional, but we do our best with what we have (which is an author we rescued from the local brain-aneurysm ward). This name can be explained by the fact that your bangs are swept across your head, where it joins up with a far-reaching side of your hair which reaches down to brush your shoulder, while the other “arm” of your hair, reaches down to brush the lower cheek.

Asymmetrical Arms - Short haircut styles for women

Asymmetrical Arms – Short haircut styles for women

You can achieve this do through the following steps: first, you should run some styling product through your damp hair, following this up with a lengthy blow-drying, using both a brush and a hairdryer to brush your hair over into the right direction. Finally, you should apply a little texturing product and you should be all set.

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#7 Classic Pixie

And just to polish off this list, we thought we’d finish off with the full-on classic Pixie (there also might have been a shortage of ideas, something which shouldn’t shake you to the core too greatly). This cut is smooth, short, and can bring out the shape of your chin and jawline in a very striking way.

Classic Pixie - Short haircut styles for women

Classic Pixie – Short haircut styles for women

Getting this do is incredibly simple. First you should use your hairdryer and your fingers to direct your hair over to the site when it’s damp (provided your hair is cut to just the right length) and, after applying a little pomade or holding spray, you should be as good as gold.

And that’s all we have for you today (this author’s discreet way of saying that this is all he could muster before he fell forward onto his own keyboard and wrote the rest of the article with his face). Remember, to consult your stylist/barber if you ever need to know the specifics of attaining any of these dos, when it comes to having the right lengths and measurements, as these shorter dos often require specification. If you don’t have a spare barber or stylist lying around in the cupboard somewhere, then you should simply turn to your faithful companion, the internet, for any needed tips and tricks.

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