16 Short Hairstyles for Thick Hair


Short hairstyles for thick hair

Short hairstyles for thick hair

Short hairstyles for thick hair – Get it here!

Let me tell you my secret! Short is beautiful no matter thick or thin hair. Sometimes you feel you are tired of the same old long hair that flows up your shoulders, some ladies even associate this kind of hair as the cause of dirt to the collar of there tops.


You know one thing I have noticed is the difficulty in people with thick hair to find the right  hairstyle that suits them. I am a hair stylist and I will tell you that indeed you have to do some bit of research to find out exactly which style perfectly suits you and which one makes you more comfortable at the same time.


Its always important to match your hair style with your personality. Short hair styles work well for people with thick hair so never be afraid to try out some thing new or different from what you are accustomed to.



if you decide to keep your hair short which is ideal for thick hair, you can choose from a variety of looks really. Most of us ladies  would prefer close contact, crop, or layered length variates, such give you a confident, glamorous and stylish look not forgetting the ease to manage and maintain it.

 1. Sparkle by Raquel Welch:

Short hairstyles for thick hair for oval faces

Short hairstyles for thick hair for oval faces

Short hairstyles for thick hair for oval faces

Short hairstyles for thick hair for oval faces

Short hairstyles for thick hair for oval faces – Get it here!



With short hair you can surely choose in quite a variety of looks depending on the occasion or depending on your moods. Lest study the picture above, she wanted to pull a sleeker look, so she chose to wear a curly wig. Good news is that we are looking at thick hair so let me take you through how you can achieve this great look with your natural hair.

Apply a curly defining mousse just to damp the hair after which you can blow dry it, then lift and twirl the curls around your fingers as you continue drying it.

Another way also is by touching up a handful of curls with a curling iron, then twirl a smear of styling cream through curls over and over again just to achieve what you want.


Count your self lucky! because as a stylist i know that an oval face can look great can look cool with almost most of the styles. Now lets consider short  curly styles just like the lady in the picture which cover the upper parts of the head up to the neck  and half of the forehead just to bring out the shape of your face edges.


Caring for thick hair may be real tiresome but with the techniques am going to take you through, its going to be real easy to pull of the best looks in a snap of finger.

Make sure you have your shampoo and conditioner at hand, these are the most important accessories to consider in order to keep short hair looking great.

Keep regular trips to visit your hair stylist for hair trims to reduce the hair on your head.

Then lastly make sure you keep a health hair routine by washing and reconditioning your hair to peek it fresh and soft and looking healthy too.

2. Disc by Ellen Wille

Short hairstyles for thick blonde hair

Short hairstyles for thick blonde hair

Short hairstyles for thick hair brown hair

Short hairstyles for thick hair brown hair

Short hairstyles for thick hair for brown hair – Get it here!


Most of the synthetic wigs that are human hair made are simple to work with with great care just like how you care for your natural hair. lets see how we can style the short wig for a great look. For thick hair its always ideal to plait your natural hair in twist before wearing a wig  so that you don’t seem to appear as though you have a real big head. An average wig can fit heads from 21.5 to 22.5 so you can wear your wig on your natural hairline or you can take my approach of measuring about 1 finger above the eyebrows. The back of the wig has to be pulled to touch the neck line, this is simple for the common elastic wigs with an elastic tab in the inside linings. For a perfect look make sure you organize it well with a soft comb or use your fingers gently.

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Have you noticed that for most long faces, they become more eye catching with a short wig that long ones or even longer hair? its even more cute with colors or  if the wig was in blond. You can see that her oval  face  looks great with the short wig covering  half of the neck to bring out the shape of her face.


Wigs are quite simple to care for, all you need to do is to keep it clean and comb it straight whenever you are done using it. One thing you have to keep in mind though is that  your scalp should get the same attention that you give to your accessories. If you use wigs more often without oiling your scalp, Build_up might cause flakes and dryness plus irritations on your scalp. so you have to keep it in mind.

5. H-6310 Gaby by Motown Tress

Short hairstyles for thick hair for black women

Short hairstyles for thick hair for black women

Short hairstyles for thick hair for black women

Short hairstyles for thick hair for black women

Short hairstyles for thick hair for black women – Get it here!


Let me talk to all the black ladies in the house now, its been said that most black ladies have thick hair but you can pull off a great look by following the many ideas i have for you.

-Brand. If you have noticed,  ladies from all ethnic backgrounds can wear wigs and look cool but there are some cool brands what will rock  on a black lady. You might have to consider brands like Sherri Shepherd ,Vivica Fox,and others like Forever young and Motown tress. Such brands real give you a feel of who you are.

-Skin complexion.  Wigs don’t look nice on any skin color, i was out with my family the other on a hot summer day, i noticed from the crowd this one dirk skinned lady who was wearing a dirk short curly wig. I must say it looked a bit weird in my eyes, i would prefer a little bit of toning down with come colors. A colored wig also is not a bad idea.


For square faces, a bit longer wigs that  go an inch below the ears will look great. Look at the picture and you will notice that the wig falling behind and leaving the short front hair that covers the forehead will bring out her face shape and the edges.


Depending on the material that the wig is made out of,only shampoos, hair conditioners and hair sprays should be used to care for them. Its always advisable to use specific products for synthetic  wigs. Also keep in mind that cold water is advisable for wigs not warm or hot water because it might damage the color and texture of the hairs keeping in mind that these are processed products.

6. Refined by Gabor

Short hairstyles for thick hair for square faces

Short hairstyles for thick hair for square faces

Short hairstyles for thick hair for square faces

Short hairstyles for thick hair for square faces

Short hairstyles for thick hair for square faces – Get it here!


You know how the saying goes, beauty lies in the hands of the beholder, as long as you feel you are beautiful and you feel comfortable, that all that matters. I personally love short hair because its simple to  maintain and you can pull off a cool look just with a few crazy styles put together. lets look at a few styles that will pull off a hot look on your Square face.

  • Applying a thickening cream first.  Its always ideal for a wig to look bright and feel fresh whenever you are going to wear it, thickening cream will keep the wig looking fresh all day long and also keep it looking as good as new.
  • -Loose Waves. I have noticed that whenever a lady is wearing a short wavy or curls wig, she looks elegant and suits any occasion. Lets take an example of the lady in the picture, she can pull it off with any kind of wear, either office or even casual wear for that great weekend get together.
  • – Voluminous Curls. I love wigs because you can style them in any way you want. Ladies, feel free to embrace curls as much as you can because you can never go wrong with such a look.
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A wig that is perfect for a square face with double chin can soften your sharp features, mostly it  distracts from your jawline. I love square faces on the short wigs because the shape of the face is showed off well disposing the well build  long cheeks.


Always train your self to keep your wig on a mannequin when you are done using them, this keeps it straight and it maintains its shape. Cleaning it will depend on the environment where you stay. Its not always advisable to over wash though, brushing would be ideal at least every after use.

9. Superb by Revlon

Short hairstyles for thick hair for round faces

Short hairstyles for thick hair for round faces

Short hairstyles for thick hair for round faces

Short hairstyles for thick hair for round faces

Short hairstyles for thick hair for round faces – Get it here!

10.Prodigy by Gabor

Short hairstyles for thick hair for cute

Short hairstyles for thick hair for cute

Short hairstyles for thick hair for cute

Short hairstyles for thick hair for cute

Short hairstyles for thick hair for cute – Get it here!

7. Salon Cool by Raquel Welch

Short hairstyles for thick hair for african american

Short hairstyles for thick hair for african american

Short hairstyles for thick hair for african american

Short hairstyles for thick hair for african american

Short hairstyles for thick hair for african american – Get it here!


One thing that i will keep emphasizing as we go through style and fashion tips on color matching. These colors are grouped into warm or cool families. African American are good with hand made jewelry and a white lady likes her golden jewelry. But if you are a gold type then you will work well with warmer colors because they will match well and blend with the color of the wig.

For those of you who prefer hand made and African crafts, the best color will be a black wig that is half length to cover up to the shoulder leaving you accessories revealed and the face not covers. You have to show off your dirk color tone and which better way to show it off than wearing a wig that will bring out your face shape.


The lady in the picture has an oval face which by fact looks good on most hair styles i must say. Short  hairstyles, funky or messy styles always bring out the best of such faces. You have to be sure of your face shape though before you chose on a specific type so i recommend you visit a hair stylist for more clarifications on which one makes you look more sexy.


As experts in hair styles and styling we always look at the material that the product we are going to purchase is made out of. synthetic materials are so easy to maintain. all you need to do is to keep it clean and comb it straight whenever you are done using it. One thing you have to keep in mind though is that  your scalp should get the same attention that you give to your accessories. If you use wigs more often without oiling your scalp, Build_up might cause flakes and dryness plus irritations on your scalp. so you have to keep it in mind.

11. Bo Mono by Ellen Wille

Short hairstyles for thick hair for girls

Short hairstyles for thick hair for girls

Short hairstyles for thick hair for girls

Short hairstyles for thick hair for girls

Short hairstyles for thick hair for girls – Get it here!

Sophia Elite by Jon Renau


Short hairstyles for thick hair for blonde

Short hairstyles for thick hair for blonde

Short hairstyles for thick hair for blonde – Get it here!


I always tell my fellow female friends that first things always come first. To pull off a great girly look with a bang, look at your skin texture, in the picture she’s a light blonde so she does not have to do a sudden change to a dark color, it might appear weird.  its always good to stay with in around 2 to 3 levels of your natural shade which in a way still  leaves a great room for more choices to work with. Colors which are slightly or even the same as your hair color will pull out the best of your appearance

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Now with much experience in style, let me take you through why i think Blond is great on round faces. If you have noticed round faces  tend to be soft with uncommon features and lifted cheeks. Cuts that fall  below the chic will bring out the the slim appearance, i always recommend bod hairstyle in case you don’t want to use bangs more often.


To keep those wavy hair texture, you have to always make sure you use special  human hair wig products. The chemicals used to process the wig makes the hairs vulnerable to damage so you can always use shampoos formulated for processed hair however you can always use the products that are made specifically for wigs.

12. Bo Mono by Ellen Wille

Short hairstyles for thick hair for easy

Short hairstyles for thick hair for easy

Short hairstyles for thick hair for easy

Short hairstyles for thick hair for easy

Short hairstyles for thick hair for easy – Get it here!

13. Paige Petite by Envy

Short hairstyles for thick hair with bangs

Short hairstyles for thick hair with bangs

Short hairstyles for thick hair with bangs

Short hairstyles for thick hair with bangs

Short hairstyles for thick hair with bangs – Get it here!

8. Becky by Henry Margu

Short hairstyles for thick hair for women over 50

Short hairstyles for thick hair for women over 50

Short hairstyles for thick hair for women over 50 – Get it here!


Are you above 50, are you running out of hair styles to keep you looking young and fresh? I am going to take you through a few tips that will change your fashion thinking!. As the saying goes aging doesn’t mean you don’t style up your hair, to a lady her hair is the most important. Look at the first picture, you will notice that you might even say no only looks 30! Let me give you the secret ladies, your hair style can change your look. Here are some tips.

  • -For a Rossellini like look, the wig has to be short  around the ears and wispy in the forehead and around the neckline.
  • – Using a razor also gives the ends a great texture and movement and straight textures woulds have an easier time with this kind of style. To achieve the best results you can use Perfect Hold Styling Gel..for a great texture.


Your face shape might slightly change with age but still for a long face it never real changes much, short wigs that are blond would work well. You can see that her oval  face  looks great with the short wig covering  half of the neck to bring out the shape of her face.


This is the age where we have all the time at our hand, apart from charity work my mother is always organizing  her cloths and cleaning her wigs. all you need to do is to keep it clean and comb it straight whenever you are done using it. One thing you have to keep in mind though is that  your scalp should get the same attention that you give to your accessories. If you use wigs more often without oiling your scalp, Build_up might cause flakes and dryness plus irritations on your scalp. so you have to keep it in mind.

14. Center Stage by Raquel Welch

Short hairstyles for thick hair for wavy

Short hairstyles for thick hair for wavy

Short hairstyles for thick hair for wavy

Short hairstyles for thick hair for wavy

Short hairstyles for thick hair for wavy – Get it here!

3. Reese Gradient by Noriko

Short hairstyles for thick hair with bangs

Short hairstyles for thick hair with bangs

Short hairstyles for thick hair with bangs

Short hairstyles for thick hair with bangs

Short hairstyles for thick hair with bangs – Get it here!


Now we have to accept the fact that bangs are back with a bang like never before. Have you noticed almost all the celebrities wear bangs? cool, so lets see you we can work with them for a cool elegant appearance for curly, wavy or straight hair.

if you need to  pull it off with a long bang you can blow it with your fingers then you can use a curling iron to pull off those curls, its always cool to pull of the curls before they completely cool and stretch. Now you can use a brush to tease the bangs around until you get that wavy look you were longing for.


Bangs on round faces ( diamond face) look great when stretched up to the neck from behind and pulled to cover the hair. the front looks great with the bang flowing right in the sides to give the face g natural appearance, you can hold part of the hair behind your ears just to leave little hair to appear above the chic bones.


Its always good to store your bangs on a mannequin when you are done using them, this keeps it straight and it maintains its shape. Cleaning it will depend on the environment where you stay. Its not always advisable to over wash though, brushing would be ideal at least every after use.

15. Helene Petite by Estetica

Short hairstyles for thick hair for black

Short hairstyles for thick hair for black

Short hairstyles for thick hair for black

Short hairstyles for thick hair for black

Short hairstyles for thick hair for black – Get it here!

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