What To Wear With Career Shoes Men


What To Wear With Career Shoes Men

What To Wear With Career Shoes Men


Your career should be number one priority, so the way you dress will play a big role towards your success in life. The people you meet will always get impressed by the way you dress and present your self, so, even though you have what it takes, but you wrap your self in wrong packages, you will miss great opportunities meant for you.

Always complement your self with great fashion trends, you might not need to buy the most expensive fashion trends, but make sure that you dress in a representable manner.

Source: www.unrefinery.com

Source: www.unrefinery.com




Today on Olixe, I have compiled a list of the best career shoes every man should wear, these career shoes differ in style. I have included summarized fashion tips showing you what to wear with each of these career shoes.

NOTE: Links to stores where you can buy these career shoes for men are listed at the end of this post.


  1. 1.   

    Artea’ Spectator Shoe


Career Shoes 10

Using the term excellent sounds like I’m disrespecting this super elegant career shoe. Guy’s if your applying for a job which pays less than $1000 per month, please, don’t opt for this shoe, because it will send a wrong message to your boss or HRM. This is the kind of shoe you should wear if you want to make that great impression on the first sight. They say that never judge a book by its cover, yes, it is true, but no man without test and money can wear this shoe. At least you will be judged to have test and style.  This Artea’ Spectator Shoe is designed by Magnami and it features leather and textile upper and leather lining sole. You can wear them to the office or any other career related function.

What to wear with these Artea’ Spectator Career Shoes?

 Tip 1: This is a formal shoe, so you have to team it with classy formal trends, for example, you can team it with slim fit white chinos, then complement the white chinos with a blue / white stripes long sleeved shirt, match the stripped shirt with an off pick one button blazer and accessorize the trend with a blue bow tie.

Tip 2: You can also wear these brown Artea’ Spectator career shoes with a fitting navy blue suit, complement your navy blue suit with a white / pink / yellow dress shirt.


  1. 2.   

    ‘Magnifico’ Loafer  – By Salvatore Ferragamo

Career Shoe 1

Loafers are nice career shoes, i like their simplicity and style. Men who always want to play it cool, should opt for these trendy loafers. They feature a slip-on style which makes them easy to wear. They feature leather upper and a rubber sole. Loafers are both casual and formal shoes, so you can wear them to office or job interview or any other career related activity. What matters most is teaming them with the right fashion trends.

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So, lets see what you can wear these Magnifico’ Loafers?

Tip 1: Judging from their casual style, you can wear them with slim fit chino pants, but opt for the flat front – side pocket chino pants. You can complement the shoes with a dark brown soft leather belt.

Tip 2: You can also team them with formal jeans. Opt for non-fade denim straight leg jeans, make sure you wear fitting jeans so that they don’t weight on you. Don’t wear flared jeans with these loafers, because these jeans have a wide bottom which will cover the top part of these loafers.

  1. 3.   

    JD Fisk Men’s Leonard Oxford

Career Shoe 2

Our careers differ from person to person, some people are required to wear suits to work from Monday – Friday, yet some careers give you the freedom to dress the way you want. So if your career is not too strict on what to wear, then these JD Fisk Men’s Leonard Oxford shoes will be great for you. They feature a leather upper, rubber man made sole which makes them durable and classy.

What to wear with these brown oxford career shoes?

Tip 1:- Since they have a casual look, you can wear them with jeans. But opt for simple faded denim jeans, because this is a career shoe, you can then complement the shoe with a brown belt. To look smart, you can wear a long sleeved dress shirt or plaid shirt, remember to tuck in the shirt.

Tip 2:– Khaki pants and chinos will look good on these oxford shoes. These shoes come in both brown and black, so you can opt for the best color. 

  1. 4.   

    Mezlan Lauro

Career Shoes 3

People will always judge you by what you wear; i mean those who don’t know you. So, make sure what you wear portrays the real you, become an inspiration to others, make them feel comfortable and strong when dealing with you, try out these Mezlan Lauro tan brown slip-on shoes. They feature a pure leather upper, leather sole, leather out-sole and insole with a perforated detailing which makes them unique and classic.

Let’s see how you can style these Mezlan Lauro Tan brown career shoes?

Tip 1:- Since they have a formal design, you can team them with a navy blue suit, brown matches with navy blue, you can complement the trend with a white shirt and a brown leather belt which matches with the shoes.

If you don’t wear suits to work, then opt for navy blue trouser and a classy dress shirt.

Tip 2: Team them with simple fade denim jeans, in this case, i recommend the blue denim straight fitting jeans, these jeans have a slim fitting , so they will sit just on top of the shoes, creating enough space for them to get the attention they need.

  1. 5.    Air Adams’ Cap Toe Oxford – By Cole Haan

Career Shoes 4

Cole Haan makes then best career shoes, black shoes are easy to style, you will find that most men opt for these black shoes than tan brown, grey shoes. This formal Air Adams’ Cap Toe Oxford shoe is good for your career; you can wear it to work, to a job interview, business meeting and so much more. They feature calfskin leather upper, rubber sole, leather lining and lace-ups on the front.

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What to wear with this black Air Adams’ Cap Toe Oxford career shoe for men?

Tip 1: You can team them with a suit, since these oxfords are black, they will match with any color of suit. To look smart, opt for slim fit suits and complement the shoes with black belt.

Tip 2: Khaki and chino pants will also look good with these black oxford career shoes. Just play it cool by teaming the trend with a dress shirt and black belt. You can also wear them with work jeans.

  1. 6.   

    JD Fisk Men’s Veiko Loafer

Career Shoes 5

This JD Fisk Men’s Veiko Loafer is a casual career shoe which you can wear to work or any other career related place. If you’re a fan of suede shoes, then this is one of the best suede loafers you can opt for. It features blue suede leather upper and a yellow rubber man made sole which makes it unique and durable. Its slip on style makes it easy to wear.

What to wear with this JD Fisk Men’s Veiko Loafer?

Tip 1: You can wear it with formal simple denim straight jeans, its yellow sole makes it look casual, so suits can’t match with this shoe. You can also team it with chino pants, but complement the trend with a flannel shirt or polo collar shirt. Learn more here….

  1. 7.   ‘Warwick’ Oxford

Career Shoes 6

Don’t miss that business opportunity or job simply because your shoes didn’t make that first impression, this Warwick’ Oxford Tan brown 399 shoe will add value to your style, this is the type of shoe you should were to work, office, business meeting and job interview. It features leather upper, leather lining and leather sole.

What to wear with this tab brown Warwick’ Oxford career shoe?

Tip 1: If your job or career requires you to wear suits, then opt for a gray suit / navy blue suit. Both gray and navy blue suits will match with this tan brown shoe; complement these oxfords with a tan brown leather belt.

Tip 2: If your career entertains casual wear, you can team this shoe with a formal straight leg denim jean, and then complement the trend with a dress shirt and a brown belt. Also khaki pants and chinos will look good with these oxfords.

  1. 8.  ‘Carlsbad’ Penny Loafer

Career Shoes 7

Career shoes are supposed to be presentable, these Carlsbad’ Penny Loafers will add value to your style. You can wear them to any business meeting any career related activity. You will look 100% responsible in these shoes. They feature a slip-on style, crafted leather upper, leather lining and leather sole.

Styling these Carlsbad’ Penny Loafers?

Tip 1:- Team them with trousers. Opt for flat front trousers without pleats on the front. You can wear any color of trousers with these black loafers. Also khaki or chino pants will match with these loafers.

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Tip 2:- You can as well wear them with suits. The woven crafted upper leather will add value to your suit. Any color of suit will match with these loafers.

  1. 9.  

    ‘Positano’ Slip-On

Career Shoes 8

Some times you want to look formal but simple and casual at the same time. So the best career shoes you should opt for are these Positano’ Slip-On shoes. They look too simple, yet they also have a formal style. They feature a slip-on style, crafted leather upper, and a leather sole which grantees durability.

Styling Tips for these Positano’ Slip-On Shoes:

Tip 1:- You can wear these Positano’ Slip-On shoes with straight fit denim jeans. Since the have a formal style, opt for simple denim jeans. Avoid jeans with wide bottoms, because they will cover the top of the shoe.

Tip 2:- Defiantly chino pants will look good with these slip-on career shoes. Complement them with a crafted brown belt which matches with the shoes. Also slim fit trousers will match with these Positano’ Slip-On shoes, but opt for navy blue, gray or black trousers with no pleats.

  1. 10.                    

    Aaron’ Oxford

Career Shoes 9

Tan brown shoes look stylish, some are bright while others are dark, but both trends look good. This dark tan oxford shoe is a great career shoe which i recommend to every man. You can wear this Aaron’ Oxford to work or business meeting. The shoe features fine leather upper and a rubber sole which guarantees durability.

Styling these tan brown oxfords:

Tip 1:- These are formal shoes; you can wear them with flat front trousers. For example, you can opt for grey trousers and complement them with a blue long sleeved shirt. Grey matches with tan brown, so you will look fashionable.

Tip 2: You can also team them with khaki pants. To look smart, you can wear a blue shirt with your khaki pants, and then complement the shoes with a tan brown belt.



  • Shoe 1:- bit.ly/11Bwa2Y
  • Shoe 2:- bit.ly/11Bwzm1
  • Shoe 3:- amzn.to/13E7hqK
  • Shoe 4:- bit.ly/14yxtnS
  • Shoe 5:- bit.ly/13E7xWN
  • Shoe 6:- amzn.to/ZLxkM1
  • Shoe 7:- bit.ly/11BywPp
  • Shoe 8:- bit.ly/1bzdq94
  • Shoe 9:- bit.ly/19umDCY
  • Shoe 10:- bit.ly/17Jmta8


Choose career shoes which correspond with the nature of your career, on this list I have featured both formal and non-formal career shoes, this is just a summarized list of the best career shoes, what matters is to be smart and presentable, because people will judge you and respect you basing on the way you portray your self, so make sure that you give them a great first impression by dressing the best career shoes.

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